Next Event

Complexities in Bariatrics

Friday 20 June 2025, Sydney

Everyone is busy, so giving ample time to mark your calendar, arrange a day off clinic and look at travel for this very topical event!


ADHD Meets Metabolic Surgery: Risks, Rewards, and Realities
Lareena Brown, Dr Rosemary Atkinson and Caroline Shannon

  • Practical guidance on addressing ADHD related challenges in metabolic surgery: psychological, dietetic and medical perspective

Key Micronutrients of Interest
Caroline Shannon, Dr Nazy Zarshenas, Kathy Benn and Lareena Brown

  • Examining key nutrients including iron, copper

  • Nutrient and psychological complexities of alcohol use post-surgery.

GP Primary Care Pathways: Surgery to Stability
Sally Badorrek, Dr Jenny Matthei, Dr Rosemary Atkinson and Dr Nazy Zarshenas

  • Exploring the latest research on post-surgical care within primary care settings What is happening?

  • Attrition and characteristics of post surgical care

  • GP challenges and practical approaches

  • The ‘battle of the medications’ and dietary implications

Complex Case Study

We invite you to stay for post-event social drinks to network with peers and speakers.

Speakers include:

  • Lareena Brown - Psychologist

  • Dr Rosemary Atkinson - GP

  • Dr Nazy Zarshenas - Dietitian

  • Caroline Shannon - Dietitian

  • Kathy Benn - Dietitian

  • Dr Jenny Matthei - GP

  • Sally Badorrek - PhD Candidate

Seats are limited! Ensure you secure your spot and share with your network.

Location - The Royal Exchange, 1 Gresham St, Sydney

Earlybird ticket - $180 (from 27 January 2025)
Late ticket - $250 (after 1 May 2025)

Recordings of some presentations will be available to purchase individually after the event via the website, however the most value is from attending and networking with other clinicians. 

We are very grateful to our sponsors and appreciate their support!